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Petition Proforma

Please print this out, get your friends to print their name and address in full with postcode and sign, leaving left hand column free. Return to address at the bottom of petition.

Word version here (right click, 'save target as . . ')


To: Hon. Peter Beattie, Premier

 TO: The Honorable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the potential and unacceptable increase in the nuclear industry in Queensland, as epitomised by the proposed nuclear irradiation plant at Narangba.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to:

RECOGNISE that the proposed irradiation plant is nuclear and is part of the global nuclear industry

STOP the proposed nuclear irradiation plant, not only from being implemented in Narangba, but anywhere else in Queensland

HALT the expansion of the nuclear industry in Queensland

SUPPORT the wishes of the people over and above those of industry

BAN the irradiation of food in Queensland, whether for domestic consumption or export

ADHERE to the Labour Party's traditional anti-nuclear stand

To: Hon. Peter Beattie, Premier





















































 Principal Petitioner: J. Roberts, Narangba Community Progress Association, PO Box 91, Narangba, Qld 4504




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Page last updated Monday, 02 April 2001 12:27:24 AM
(AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time - GMT+10 )