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(Australia New Zealand Food Authority)




 There are two stages of public consultation which form part of the application review process, in regard to Steritech Pty. Ltd.'s abovementioned application.  The first stage has closed. 

As at March 22, ANZFA state it will be July, 2001 before the second stage commences.

Please check the ANZFA website on a regular basis to ensure that the second round of public consultation is not brought forward. The website address is  Use their search facility to find "food irradiation" as it is not shown on their home page.  Check also the last day for lodging your objections and the relevant points to be addressed.

Or write, fax or phone ANZFA for this information (address and numbers as shown below):

Ms. J. Williams
Project Manager - Application A413
Australian New Zealand Food Authority
P.O. Box 7186
BARTON.  ACT.  2600.
Fax:        (02) 6271 2278
Phone:    (02) 6271 2222

Should you decide not to write a submission, shown below are sample comments you could include in a letter.  Also shown is relevant address.  

Please ensure that your letter includes the date, your address, name and signature.
Cut & Paste this one below or use a Word version.
(to get a copy to your PC, rightclick here then 'save target as . .')

Australian & New Zealand Food Authority
P.O. Box 7186,

Dear Sirs,

Re:  Application A413 - Irradiation of Herbs, Spices, Nuts, Oil  Seeds and Teas

I strongly object to the above application on the following grounds:

Industries associated with the groups of foodstuffs included under Application A413 are opposed to irradiation of their products.

Irradiation does not necessarily kill all the micro-organisms that can cause illness, and it can leave intact the toxins they produce.

Used at the last stage of production, irradiation masks dirty processing and handling methods and unacceptably high levels of bacterial contamination prior to "treatment".

Scientific studies have shown that irradiated food poses serious risks to health in that the process results in the following:  

formation of mutant bacteria

significant depletion of vitamins, polyunsaturated fats and amino acids

 increased chromosomal damage in animals and humans

increased frequency of cell mutations

increased frequency of tumours, reduced survival rate and other health problems in animals

 increased carcinogens and other toxins in food

formation of Unique Radiolytic Products such as 2-DCB (2-dodecylcyclobutanone), which clearly causes cellular and genetic damage in human and rat cells. This is a radiation  by-product of a fatty acid found in peanuts (as well as many other foods)

Risks to health and the environment from haulage, plant usage and storage of highly radioactive Cobalt 60.

In view of the foregoing, effective methods other than irradiation (including e-beam accelerators), should be investigated in relation to sterilisation and disinfestation.

 Yours faithfully,

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Page last updated Monday, 02 April 2001 12:20:11 AM
(AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time - GMT+10 )