The Stop Food Irradiation Alliance - SFIA
Web Site concerning the Banning of Food
Irradiation in Australia - Text Version
You are on page:" Food Irradiation Links"
You may be interested in the extensive
information on Food Irradiation at the following American sites
(all links external to this site that you're currently in, open in a new
so you can keep your place)
Worth's "Comments" found within this site you're in,
can be read in full at
Public Citizen's Critical
Mass Energy & Environmental Programme website under Food Irradiation:
Contact details for Public Citizen, should you require them are:
fax (USA) 202 547 7392, phone 202
454 5123
or Food Irradiation
Campaign Co-ordinator,
Vallette Revere at
fax 202 547 7392 or phone 202 546 4996 (U.S.A.).
There is a food irradiation Bibliographic
database at
Principal investigator: Ari Brynjolfsson, Ph.D
The database consists of reports, articles, books, and book chapters relevant to research and development of irradiated food from 1947 to 1997. The material was given to National Agricultural Library in the years 1986 to 1997 from the private libraries of Dr. Edward S. Josephson, Dr. Eugene Wierbicki, Dr. Walter M. Urbain, and Dr. Ari Brynjolfsson.
Contact Us
on the Content of this site should be addressed to the SFIA
email address
Issues related to presentation or navigation can be addressed to The
Page last updated Monday, 02 April 2001 12:23:56 AM
(AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time - GMT+10 )