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As at March 15, 2001

Steritech Pty. Ltd. proposes to build a nuclear irradiation plant at Narangba (just north of Brisbane). This proposal is subject to assessment and approval under the Commonwealth's Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, as it is recognised as a Nuclear Action.  As at the above date, the proposal was being considered by the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment.

To check the progress of this application with the above Department, write or fax the Minister:

     Senator Robert Hill
Minister for the Environment
Suite MG68
Parliament House,
CANBERRA.  ACT.  2600.

      Fax  (02) 6273 6101

 (Senator Hill does not have an e-mail address on which he can be contacted).

The Queensland Department of Health administers the Radiation Safety Act 1999.  Under this Act, anyone who possesses, uses or transports prescribed quantities of radioactive substances is required to hold an appropriate licence. At the above date, Steritech had not yet lodged an application with Queensland Health for this licence.

(The Qld. Minister for Health has advised that the Radiation Safety Act 1999 does not confer on her, or Queensland Health, any discretionary powers for the allocation of a licence where all negotiations are able to be met.)

To check if this application has been lodged, write, fax or e-mail the Minister:

The Honourable W.M. Edmond MLA
Minister for Health
Level 19, Queensland Health Building
147-163 Charlotte Street
BRISBANE.  Qld.  4000

Fax  (07) 3229 4731 / 3221 0871


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Page last updated Monday, 02 April 2001 12:24:26 AM
(AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time - GMT+10 )