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Below is a sample of additional, scientific research which finds against assertions that irradiated food is safe and wholesome:

Increased Chromosomal Damage in Animals and Humans

M.W. Shaw, E. Hayes.  "Effects of irradiated sucrose on the chromosomes of human lymphocytes in vitro."  Nature.  1966;211: 1254-1256.

Vijayalaxmi and S.G. Srikantia.  "A review of the studies on the wholesomeness of irradiated wheat, conducted at the National Institute of Nutrition, India."  Radiat. Phys. Chem.  1989; 34: 941-952.

Formation of "Unique Radiolytic Products" in Food 

P.S. Elias and A.J. Cohen.  Recent Advances in Food Irradiation.  Amsterdam and New York:  Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1983.

P.S. Elias & A.J. Cohen.  Radiation Chemistry of Major Food Groups.  Amsterdam and New York:  Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1977.

Edward S. Josephson and Martin S. Peterson, eds.  Preservation of Food by Ionizing Radiation (3 vols).  Florida:  CRC Press, 1982, 1983.

Increased Frequency of Cell Mutations

A.S. Aiyar, V. Subba Rao.  "Studies on Mutagenicity of irradiated sugar solutions in Salmonella typhimurium."  Mutation Research.  1977; 48: 17-28.

O. Parkash.  "Mutagenic effect of irradiated DNA in Drosophila melanogaster."  Nature.  1967; 4:611-612.

R.R. Rinehart, F.J. Ratty.  "Mutation in Drosophila melanogaster cultured on irradiated food."  Genetics.  1965;  52: 1119-1126.

M.S. Swaminathan, S. Nirula, A.T. Natarajan, R.P. Sharma.  "Mutations:  Incidence in Drosophila melanogaster reared on irradiated medium."  Science.  1963;  141:637-638.

J. Wilmer, J. Schubert, H. Leveling.  "Mutagenicity of gamma-irradiated, oxygenated and deoxygenated solutions of 2-deoxy-D-ribose and D-ribose in Salmonella typhimurium."  Mutation Research.  1981;  90:385-397.

J. Wilmer, A.T. Natarajan.  "Induction of sister chromatid exchanges and chromosome aberrations by gamma-irradiated nucleic acid constituents in CHO cells."  Mutation Research.  1981;  88:99-107.

Formation of Mutant Bacteria

R. Davies and A.J. Sinskey.  Journal of Bacteria.  1973;113: 133-144.

Decreased Nutritional Content in Food

P.S. Elias and A.J. Cohen.  Recent Advances in Food Irradiation.  Amsterdam and New York:  Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1983.

P.S. Elias and A.J. Cohen.  Radiation Chemistry of Major Food Groups.  Amsterdam and New York:  Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1977.

Food Chemical News
.  "Irradiation compounds vitamin loss from cooking, ARS reports."  Nov. 10, 1986: 42.

Edward S. Josephson and Martin S. Peterson, eds.  Preservation of Food by Ionizing Radiation (3 vols).  Florida:  CRC Press, 1982, 1983.

Murray, D.R. Biology of Food Irradiation, RSP Research Studies Press Ltd., Taunton, Somerset, England, 1990.

Increased Carcinogens and Other Toxins in Food

Life Sciences Research Office, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.  "Evaluation of the health aspects of certain compounds found in irradiated beef."  PB84-187087.  Bethesda:  August 1977.

Increased Frequency of Tumors, Reduced Survival Rate and Other Health Problems in Animals

Raltech Scientific Services Inc.  Final Reports.  Contract DAMD 17-76-C-6047.

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